Monday, September 16, 2013

Declaration of Learning Independence

I understand the importance of education and the role it plays in our society. Some people are smart, others are not. Smart or not, we all eventually get a career and must use our abilities and skill in it. Whether your job needs a doctorate or a five year old could do it, you need knowledge, understanding, ability. Not everyone is an astrophysicist, nor does everyone have the brain of a five year old. We'll all eventually end up where we belong, to an extent, and we'll, hopefully, excel at that position. I'll be a firefighter, but I won't need a degree in physics to do it. I'm not understating a degree in physics, but I'm making the argument that it's not always necessary to know everything, even though that would be nice. What I'll close with is; don't set the bar way too high, but don't set it way too low either. Challenge yourself, find out what you can do.

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