Monday, March 31, 2014

Raising Digital Awareness

I believe people come to this place due to some idea that I'm an idea machine, that I always have the right answer and that my way is inherently superior. If you believe that, stop. You need to be able to create your own understanding of the world around you. However, there's nothing wrong with learning from others and applying these improvements to your life, we call that learning. I learn new things pretty often, but I don't share them, it isn't my job to educate you. I feel that's a job to be undertaken by the individual, and not a shared experience. I do realize that's not how the 'internet age' works, but not everything sticks to everybody. I could begin a renewed start to share some interesting things with the world, but it's almost so easy a caveman can do it.

I would subscribe to, the entire point of Reddit is to re-post the best stuff. And, best of all, it has "subreddits" that allow you to get information on one specific topic, discuss with similarly interested people, and share your own material. It's like a news site, only if you stripped everything away and rebuilt around what people actually want. It's everything you could need in personal interaction and information seeking.

Also, you could just as easily find in depth videos on detailing everything from string theory to why the sky is blue. People have almost everything we know about everything at their fingertips, yet they don't use it. It's less of a "school is failing us" and more of a "school isn't preparing us". When's the last time a teacher asked you use YouTube to answer a question on your homework? Or told you to Google your math homework to get the correct answer. Because what teaches us hasn't advanced, we cannot expect our students [across the board] to advance.

We'll always need some sort of interaction, but people won't always have our answers. The college professor won't have all the answers forever, and neither will the scientists or the geniuses. Knowledge will be able to transport itself around the world faster than we can learn it. The trick is to let us learn from our past to better prepare for the future.

Just a thought. A pretty good one.

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