Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Racial Profiling Lives On?

I don't agree with the article so much as more than to say it's reporting on a real thing. Commonly referred to as "Stop and Frisk", this kind police contact is a policy of the NYPD, and many other departments, to contact persons on the street and to preform a frisk before engaging with them. Often cited as "unwarranted", these frisks often involve Latinos or African-Americans that live in neighborhoods labeled "high crime". People associate "Stop and Frisk", with a "shoot first, ask questions later" mentality. It would lead you to believe that the cops know who's going to jail before they even know their name. It wrongfully accuses all NYPD officers of racial profiling due to the number off occurrences is certain neighborhoods were a demographic may be unproportional. These practices have been claimed to be "unconstitutional" due to their "racial" nature, but no laws are broken by contacting the public in the course of their duty. If a law was broken, I would understand, but just because your facts are distorted doesn't give you the right to call foul.

Because I didn't go into serious detail; If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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