Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Five Sources that Augment my Research

Primarily, I use the internet. I gather news from many sites and I consider them all pretty much all equals.

Here's the main five:

1. Reddit - Yup, Reddit. The community picks the most important stuff and it filters through fast, plus, not only news, but history, pictures, experts, discussion, and cats.

2. BBC America - for breaking and important US news as well as technology news.

3. Comedy Central's: The Daily Show - Funny political satire meets real investigative journalism, with interviews!

4. The news paper - yes, I occasionally read print news, mainly local and nation and world.

5. YouTube - YouTube? I watch everything from politics to science, history to statistics, and all the interesting facts and events that have ever been recorded.

For me, diversity helps get a better idea of what's really going on, what happened in the past, and what the future may hold. So, if you find yourself continuously watching Fox News, try something new.

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