Monday, May 5, 2014


My masterpiece isn't really helping with beginning a new chapter in my life. It has shown me that there are still simple things we don't understand and that there can and must be a way to communicate in a way that educates and expands without compromise. It is often we take for granted what we have and what we can get, we mistake possibilities as endless and assured. In this world, nothing is certain. We need to understand what we are doing and what we should be doing, regardless of how difficult it is or how long it takes, or even who agrees or disagrees. To accomplish goals, priorities are set and met, and they don't always align with everyone.

My journey has been one of inquiry, one that simply shows me what exists and asks to be explained. Mostly ignored, and an abstract concept in and of itself, freedom is complicated. As with all ideas/concepts, they are easy in theory but difficult in practice. To think these ideas are black and white is simple and creates an erroneous hope of simplicity. They require careful consideration and planning, but they must ultimately serve the purpose they were intended to serve, which is why it is so unique. Even though I may not get paid to think, money is only one of many rewards.

A simple pride in the intent, the investigation, the inquiry. Just look around, if everything seems alright, look harder. I may somewhat represent the balance one day, but it's all bigger than one person, or just an idea. Everyone makes the choice we face everyday. Our values should reflect in them, even if we can't.

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