Monday, February 24, 2014

Welcome to the Interdisciplinary

My topic is freedom. Very broad, very difficult to put into words. It means different things to different people. It's a best friend to some, and a mortal enemy to others. The word can bring happiness or sadness. It can create or be destroyed. But you can see it, hear it, speak it, feel it, maybe not taste it, but you know it's there or, a lack thereof. It isn't a new word, or idea, or concept, and not just humans understand it. It's complicated, because we made it that way. We used our freedom to limit others, increase others, and diversify this great word with-which brings great solidarity or change. Say it in the West, the North, the East or the South, it means any things. Not just in your community, but your country, or your planet. Is this all good? Did we make the right decision? Do we make the right decisions? Who made the decision? Who makes them? How? When? Why?

Again, it's complicated. It always has been, ever since humans decided to evolve society into what we know today. It's a basic concept, an Old English word, "frēodōm" which meant "freedom, state of free-will, charter, emancipation, deliverance" ( The meaning hasn't changed much, no, but it's use has. It varies by place, people, language, and meaning. Especially it's meaning which, may be definable, but that's simple a best-case-scenario. Most of the time, it's being used in conjunction with other words, or a subject relating to it. It's useful to use "Freedom" because, if you attach other words or ideas to it, it becomes easier to understand and to relate to.

Heck, you're probably doing something right now relating to freedom. Reading this on my blog is an exercise of your first amendment right of "free speech". I write what I want, without worry that any government will come arrest me for it (unless they decide to). And you read it, without worry that you will be caught reading material from another person (unless you're offended). And Google has the ability to offer people the ability to rent web-space for free without worry they'll be in trouble for the things I write or what you read (unless they are). Those statements are true, but so are my parenthesis. It just depends on your freedoms, their freedoms, the laws, our feelings, [etc.] and what you can do with these. It's not impossible to say that these freedoms can change, that they'll be altered, that they'll effect us in a profound way or that they'll change a life. It's complicated.

And, because I don't like to go on for forever, I'll finish with what I think is the most important thing. No matter what; Think. If anything else, it will impact you more than anything. No matter the amount of freedom given to you, you'll always have freedom in the mind [unless they take it away from you].


  1. Dude can you put up your followers gadget on the blog so that i can follow this blog?
